Monday, May 30, 2011

This marks the 100th post.

I'd like to thank those who've came down to support us even though you could have slept in or attend to any other thing. (doesn't matter if you came late or miss out, you came down and that's what matters); Thank you for taking the time to come all the way to NUS to watch us and to support us :) For those who competed, GOOD JOB AND CONGRATS :) You all did well !! We made it through together and as one, love you team ♥

And for those who competed for the first time: If any of you are feeling upset because of your timing/position/DQ, don't be because each and every one of you did good. So take it as an experience and do better in the next. Train hard and you'll see results, I'm sure all of you can do it. Have faith and never give up :)

We'll come back stronger the next time, together :)

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