Friday, March 25, 2011

Updatess (:

Hey guys, It's been a really long time since we last updated the blog, hope you guys are still coming here to see if there are any updates (: Anyway, over these past few months since the last update, there are many events that were going on and we participated in some. December Babies Birthday, RP Splash, Singapore Biathlon, NTU Mass Swim, Youth Life Saving 2011, Peggy's 21st. To keep you all updated, RP will be having an international invitational competition which is held in Penang. We encourage all to go because we can take this opportunity to bond as a team and also to gain some overseas competition experience. Date / Day of Event: 16th July / Saturday Time: 7am - 5pm (We are planning to go up the day before) Venue: Swimming Complex, University Science Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Azian Shah, Batu Uban, Penang The estimated cost for everyone would be about $200, but for current students, we have 50% subsidise, so we only have to pay $100. As for alumnus, the school would not be able to subsidise :/ But we would like you guys to still join us if you are able to make it (: Okay, so the not so important parts are settled, here comes the important part. I need your answer on whether you want to go or not by 1st April (crucial date as we need to rush the proposal) ! If you are keen on going, please text me your answer thanks ! (: Hui Hiang

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