Sunday, September 19, 2010

Awesome competition, awesome people.

A short post.

First of all, GOOD JOB EVERYONE. Each and every one of you. You guys did great and did not give up even if you could have, even if every part of your body or whatever was telling you to. It was obvious that no matter how tired, no matter how many events you guys have (back to back) you continued on and gave your best. and that's what matters in the end :)

The teamwork was fantastic as well ! Thank you everybody for these awesome two days and for the encouragement + cheering that were given throughout. We all needed it.

Also, A VERY BIG THANK YOU TO JOSEPH who has lost his voice by shouting/cheering. Do drink more water and I hope you recover soon. And of course, not forgetting, the food/water bring-ers (no such thing but whatever) ! We had such awesome food to fill our stomach during lunch and adequate water to hydrate so thank you for taking the time to buy them/prepare them, much appreciated !!

Have a good night and see y'all soon !


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