Thursday, April 15, 2010

spanks you plenty people!

hello my love ones. this entry is to specially thank each and everyone of you for making my 21st birthday a blast.

i must say that i really am truly touched and i do appreciate all your efforts for throwing me a surprise birthday party. i've never had a birthday party before, not to mention even a surprise one but you guys made me so happy on the 4th of april 2010.
my 21st with you guys was awesome. me being me, i loved all the surprises, the decorations, the cake, the games and basically everything that all of you put together for me. in short, i felt in the lime light, centre stage and obviously like queen. haha! love it all!!!
anyway, the point is that i just want you guys to know that i am so thankful to have team mates like each and everyone of you. though i have graduated and havent known the juniors for very long, but im so happy that we bonded and all of you still made the effort to want to celebrate my big 21st with me :)

thank you so much for making my 21st so special my dear team. this day i shall remember for the rest of my life!


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